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Terms of Service

By buying a commission (paying for an order) you confirm
that you have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to them.

If something is not described below or you want to make an order of a type that is not indicated in the list of services - contact me for discussion.

1. Rights to use

1.1. As an artist, I reserve all copyrights for my work. I can use any image I create for digital or print presentation, post it on my social media pages and in my portfolio. Stages of work on an order can be published by me as part of a reward on Patreon and other sites.

1.2. When I publish any image anywhere, I always indicate the owner of the characters or the customer. The customer, in turn, indicates me as the creator of the image (if possible) and does not have the right to assign the authorship of the image to himself (in principle). Attribution of authorship is considered to openly expose yourself as the author of a painting or animation, as well as removing / blurring my signature on the image (including cropping).

1.3. The customer can use the image for commercial purposes only if he has made a prior agreement with me in this regard. In all other cases, the Customer can use the image exclusively for himself (you can print the resulting image and hang it at your place or give it to a friend, but you cannot sell products using the image created by me).

2. Payment and refund

2.1. I accept PayPal. Если Заказчик из России, то допустим способ оплаты картой через СБП (Систему Быстрых Платежей) или Qiwi-кошелек (комиссия за счет заказчика).

2.2 . I only work on a prepaid basis. Payment in installments (half before work, half after) is possible only if the order value is more than $ 400.

2.3. I can refuse an order for personal reasons at the stage of its discussion. The stage of discussion takes place before the Customer pays for the order.

2.4. A refund is possible only if I have not yet started work (even a sketch) at all and for some reason realized that I could not fulfill my plan.

2.5. The customer cannot request a refund if I have already started or completed the order.

2.6. Please note that when paying for the order, you, as the Customer, buy not only the final picture, but above all my time, which I spend on creating the image. The more time it takes for me to complete the order, the more its cost.

2.7. The cost of almost every job is calculated individually according to the number of hours it will take me to complete. For this reason, prices in most categories are in the range from the easiest to the most difficult work in this category. You can find out the exact price for a specific order by describing all the wishes and ideas to me personally.

3. About the process of work

3.1. After discussing the order with me and approving it, the Customer undertakes to pay for it within 72 hours.

3.2. After receiving the payment, I inform the Customer that I have received the funds and approximately when I will be able to start work. Attention! I usually work without a fixed deadline to the best of my ability and time. If you want to be guaranteed to get a job by a certain day - discuss this with me in advance and be ready to pay additional payment for urgency.

3.3. Having made a sketch of the future drawing, I send it to the Customer for approval. He can make any changes at this stage. Exception : the service that was ordered was called "Sketch". In sketches of this kind, edits are not made, this is a completed and independent type of work.

3.4. After I finish sketching, I usually start lining up. This is the last stage when the Customer can still make minor changes (choose a different style of the ring on the finger, change one specific strand, etc.). Major changes (move the character's hand, completely replace the weapon, emotion, etc.) are paid separately.

3.5. During the painting phase, I apply the base colors to the image. The customer has the right to ask to change the shades or colors of some elements.

3.6. The stage of shading and background rendering is the penultimate one. WIP (Work In Progress) is not sent to the Customer.

3.7. The final stage is the finalization and rendering of the image. After the work is completed, it will be sent to the Customer in full-size version. If the order was with animation , then after rendering the image, I will start animating it. The animation file will be added to the same cloud storage where the static version of the work was.

4. Working conditions

4.1. I can draw: characters of almost all races and genders, various weapons, equipment, animals, battle scenes, artistic nudity, complex and detailed design elements of the character and environment.

4.2. I will not draw : characters with unnecessarily altered anatomy (implausibly enlarged body parts), extreme fetishes, NSFW content, "as in this photo" and other things that violate anyone's copyright.

4.3. I can deny you an image of any plot if I consider it "inappropriate". You can always ask me if your idea suits my creativity and if I can tackle it.

4.4. I make changes to the work only at those stages where it is permissible (see "About the work process"). More than three edits per stage may cost additional funds.

5. How to place an order

5.1 . You can always write to me about the order. Discussion of ideas does not oblige you to place an order immediately, until you say that you are ready to place this order.

5.2. The preferred way to contact is via Discord: VIctoriaFENIX # 3454 . Other methods are indicated in " Contacts ".

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