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$ 15- $ 75 (the cost depends on the format of the character, the availability of color, the number of parts and other elements)

The exact price can be found in the discussion.

Sketchy or simplified image of a character shoulder-length / waist-length / full-length.

An experimental format, usually used for artistic practice or the development of some new artistic techniques / techniques.
No small details and maximum with light shading.
Orders are accepted in the format: with you a character and his brief description - from me a sketch of my vision of your character.
You can request a specific emotion and ask about a specific style.


Format: horizontal / vertical / square.
Original size: 500px on the smaller side of the format minimum.
Additional dimensions: upon customer's request.

Background: fill, gradient, or other experimental.

Additional character: + 80% cost.
Animation: absent.

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